Lär dig om smideskonst! Vi har 2-dagars kurser i yxsmide, 5-dagars grund- och fortsättningskurser i varmsmide och en helt ny kurs i smedens verktyg.

Courses – General information

The blacksmithing courses held at Gränsfors Bruk in 2025 focus on different forging techniques and vary in difficulty and number of days. The courses run from April – October. This year, the focus of the 2-day courses is axe forging. We also hold 5-day basic courses and a Tools of the Blacksmith course, for those who want to deepen their knowledge. This year we are also introducing a new course in forging a chef knife with the more advanced Damascus forging technique.

All participants work at their own hearth in the Gränsfors Bruk course forge. The instructor is an experienced blacksmith who works at Gränsfors Bruk. Participants are insured during the course. We provide protective equipment. After completing the course, each participant receives a certificate. Participants may take home all the items they forge during the course.

Meals at Restaurant Augustas in Gränsfors and lodging (single room/shared double room) are included in our two spacious houses in Gränsfors. In the village there is also an Axe Museum and the opportunity to try axe throwing and wood splitting.

All materials are included in the course, as well as Gränsfors Bruk’s little Axe Book and the book Swedish Blacksmithing by KG Norén & Lars Enander, available in English. All our courses include a guided tour of Gränsfors Bruk’s forge and axe production. Course participants receive a 20% discount on most products in Gränsfors Bruk’s factory store during the course.

Maximum number of participants per course is 10. Minimum age is 16 (18 for advanced courses). No prior experience is required for short courses and basic courses. Some blacksmithing experience is recommended for Damascus forging and for the Tools of the Blacksmith course. Instruction in Swedish and English. All courses can be purchased as gift cards.