Para talar árboles grandes y ramificarlos en ramas más pequeñas
Desarrollado específicamente para partir madera
Para competición de lanzamiento de hacha.
Antigua tradición de forja de hachas.
General information about Gränsfors Bruk courses.
Information about Gränsfors Bruks forging courses.
The history of the axe and its symbolic value.
Learn more about different axe models.
The material of the axe. Steel, wood and leather.
Take care, grind and shaft your axe.
How can axes be used in different areas?
Movies about Gränsfors Bruk and our products.
About Axes, and the people who uses them,
Getting to Gränsfors Bruk, Contact, Careers.
Agenda 2030 and Corporate social responsibility.
Read about Gränsfors Bruks history.
Find your nearest retailer.
Learn more about Gränsfors Bruk’s sister companies.
See current job openings.
Help us to create a world of axes!
As part of a small family-owned group, Gränsfors Bruk has three sister companies.
All companies have their production in Sweden and all companies have collective agreements for their employees.
The common thread that runs between the companies is that: