Von hoher Bäume bis zum kleiner Stämme.
Zum Spalten von Holz vorgesehen.
Die Blockhausbau- und Zimmermanns-
Für die Verwendung als Wurfaxt abgewandelt.
Die uralte Tradition des Axtschmiedens.
Äxte mit kleine „Schönheitsfehler“
Schleifstein, Leder, Bücher usw.
Allgemeine Informationen über Gränsfors Bruk Kurse.
Informationen zu Gränsfors Bruks Schmiedekurse.
Die Geschichte der Axt und ihr symbolischer Wert.
Erfahren Sie mehr über verschiedene Axtmodelle.
Das material der Axt. Stahl, Holz und Leder.
Pflegen, schleifen und stielung Sie Ihre Axt.
Äxte in verschiedenen Bereichen.
Filme über Gränsfors Bruk und ihre Produkte.
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Unternehmensverantwortung und Agenda 2030.
Lesen Sie über die Geschichte von Gränsfors Bruk.
Info über die Schwesterfirma von Gränsfors Bruk.
Help us to create a world of axes!
For more than twenty years, forging courses have been organized at Gränsfors Bruk. In our well-equipped course forge a lot of people have over the years gained their first insight into the fascinating world of blacksmithing. Our courses are available…
During this autumn’s blacksmithing courses, you have a unique opportunity to learn how to forge your own axe using traditional tools like a hammer and anvil. Don’t miss out on this exciting and educational experience! Current dates for the course…
During this summer’s blacksmithing courses, you have a unique opportunity to learn how to forge your own axe using traditional tools like a hammer and anvil. In our brand new course, The Blacksmith’s Tools, you’ll also have the fantastic chance…
Seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren werden bei Gränsfors Bruk Schmiedekurse organisiert. In unserer gut ausgestatteten Kursschmiede haben im Laufe der Jahre viele Menschen einen ersten Einblick in die faszinierende Welt des Schmiedens erhalten. Unsere Kurse gibt es in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden…
FORGING COURSES AT GRÄNSFORS BRUK For more than twenty years, forging courses have been organized at Gränsfors Bruk. In our well-equipped course forge a lot of people have over the years gained their first insight into the fascinating world of…
We are distancing ourselves from Black Friday, along with our sister companies Woolpower and Svedbro Smide, and will be temporarily closing our online store. A day that encourages overconsumption through price reductions goes completely against our belief in responsible production and…
We have become aware that counterfeit copies of Gränsfors Bruks axes are being sold on various online platforms, such as Amazon and Ebay. These listings use images stolen from our website, and the axes that are actually delivered are not…
In the well-equipped course forge,with direct connection to Gränsfors Bruk axe factory, a lot of people have over the years gained their first insight into the fascinating world of blacksmithing. Take advantage and book one of the last places on…
In November, it was released in Swedish. We heard you when you requested it in more languages. And soon the wait is over. In a few days, you will be able to order the new book about Gränsfors Bruk in…
Follow us behind the doors to Gränsfors Bruks forge and see how our axes are produced. From steel to finished ax. We have collected movies with tips and information about our axes and how to take care of them under…
In 2021, the composer Thomas von Wachenfeldt composed the Yxdansen specially, on behalf of Gränsfors Bruk. It is used, among other things, in our new corporate film. The task Thomas was given was to capture in music the feeling of…
For many years, Gränsfors Mill has offered courses in traditional forging and timbering. We will do the same this year – even though the museum, shop and smithy are closed to visitors. The course program for 2022 is now published…
Our axes are a craft created to last for several generations. If you take care of your axe properly, we promise that it will be a life partner not only for you – but also for your children and grandchildren….
Starting the 20th of September, all of our axes will be shipped with a new and updated Axe Book. In addition to containing some new and updated texts and pictures, the Axe Book with also be thicker as it contains…
In 2016, we investigated if it would be possibly to remove the steel wedge used when assembling the shaft with the axe head. The reason for this was that we first and foremost cared for the person who manufactured the…