General information about Gränsfors Bruk courses.
Information about Gränsfors Bruks forging courses.
The history of the axe and its symbolic value.
Learn more about different axe models.
The material of the axe. Steel, wood and leather.
Take care, grind and shaft your axe.
How can axes be used in different areas?
Movies about Gränsfors Bruk and its products.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Stories about people and axes
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Help us to create a world of axes!
During this summer’s blacksmithing courses, you have a unique opportunity to learn how to forge your own axe using traditional tools like a hammer and anvil. In our brand new course, The Blacksmith’s Tools, you’ll also have the fantastic chance to create your own smithing tools, giving you a deeper understanding and ability to work as a true blacksmith. Don’t miss out on this exciting and educational experience!
Current dates for the course Forge Your Own Axe:
Read more about the course Forge Your Own Axe
Current dates for the course The Blacksmith’s Tools:
Read more about the course The Blacksmith’s Tools
All our courses include meals at Restaurant Augustas in Gränsfors and accommodation (single/shared double room) in the village of Gränsfors, spread across 2-3 locations.
All materials are included in the course, as well as course literature in the form of The New Book of Iron Forging by KG Norén & Lars Enander, available in both Swedish and English.
All our courses feature a guided tour of the Gränsfors Bruks forge and axe manufacturing. The Axe Museum is also open to course participants as well as visitors. A wood-fired sauna is available for course participants by the river at the logging site in the village. As a course participant, you receive a 20% discount in the Gränsfors Bruks factory store on the regular assortment during the course.
The maximum number of participants per course is 10. The minimum age is 16. No prior knowledge is required for short courses and basic courses. After completing the course, a diploma signed by the blacksmithing instructor will be awarded. Everything forged during the course can be taken home by the participant.
For questions, waiting list, or gift certificates, please contact