Von hoher Bäume bis zum kleiner Stämme.
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Die Blockhausbau- und Zimmermanns-
Für die Verwendung als Wurfaxt abgewandelt.
Die uralte Tradition des Axtschmiedens.
Äxte mit kleine „Schönheitsfehler“
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In 2016, we investigated if it would be possibly to remove the steel wedge used when assembling the shaft with the axe head. The reason for this was that we first and foremost cared for the person who manufactured the axe, since it was no good for the body to fix the steel wedge on every axe. But at the same time we strived not to use more material and resources than necessary.
After many tests on the majority of axes and interviews with users, we then decided to remove the steel wedge on a selection of our axes.
We have now chosen to continue with this on all axes, with the exception of the splitting axes, and we will therefore stop using the steel wedge when we are shafting the axes.
We have not received any indication that the change made in 2016 has affected the quality or functionality of the axes.
We will continue to use the steel wedge on our splitting axes since there is significantly more force used when using these axes. We then see it as an extra security.
During a transitional period, we will supply axes with and without steel wedge.