Von hoher Bäume bis zum kleiner Stämme.
Zum Spalten von Holz vorgesehen.
Die Blockhausbau- und Zimmermanns-
Für die Verwendung als Wurfaxt abgewandelt.
Die uralte Tradition des Axtschmiedens.
Äxte mit kleine „Schönheitsfehler“
Schleifstein, Leder, Bücher usw.
Allgemeine Informationen über Gränsfors Bruk Kurse.
Informationen zu Gränsfors Bruks Schmiedekurse.
Die Geschichte der Axt und ihr symbolischer Wert.
Erfahren Sie mehr über verschiedene Axtmodelle.
Das material der Axt. Stahl, Holz und Leder.
Pflegen, schleifen und stielung Sie Ihre Axt.
Äxte in verschiedenen Bereichen.
Filme über Gränsfors Bruk und ihre Produkte.
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Unternehmensverantwortung und Agenda 2030.
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Info über die Schwesterfirma von Gränsfors Bruk.
Help us to create a world of axes!
There is no better way to understand craftsmanship than to experience it up close. We could talk for days about our axe forge, but there is something truly special about seeing the process with your own eyes. Throughout the summer, we offer free guided tours for those interested in seeing our factory. 🔥 If you…
Just some Wildlife Hatchets waiting for their shafts, ready to serve for generations to come. 🪓 By the way, as a little weekend treat for some of you, we've expanded direct shipping from gransforsbruk.com to even more European countries. This time, we've added Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania to the list. Give…
Take some time for yourself this weekend and breathe in the forest air! 🌲 There's nothing like the serenity of a solo hike surrounded by nature's beauty. Grab your trusty axe and escape into the woods for some quality time. #gransforsbruk #responsiblymadeinsweden 🪓 🪓 🪓 🪓 🪓 #axe #yxor #bushcraft #outdoors #craftmanship #blacksmith
Northern Sweden awakens from its snowy slumber, revealing hints of spring's promise. It's that special time when the scent of freshly split firewood fills the air. The spring air draws out the moisture from the wood, allowing it to dry in peace. This is your sign to spend some time at your splitting block, hopefully…
Would you like to learn the fundamentals of traditional blacksmithing and delve into the craft of forging? In our basic course, you will learn to use the anvil and work the hot iron with the help of a hammer and tongs. Blacksmithing Basics Course - 5 days May 13-17 - limited spots available All courses…
We manufacture axes in Sweden, for you to use all over the world. We are shipping directly from gransforsbruk.com to Germany, Sweden, Finland, France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, and Estonia. However, we also have retailers in several other countries. Find your nearest retailer at gransforsbruk.com/en/retailers. 🪓 #gransforsbruk #responsiblymadeinsweden #axe #yxor #bushcraft #outdoors #craftmanship #blacksmith…
Hola. Hallo. Tere! We're happy to say that axes from the North are making their way South: www.gransforsbruk.com is now shipping to Estonia, Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands. Join our journey and become part of the Gränsfors Bruk family. 🪓 #gransforsbruk #responsiblymadeinsweden #axe #yxor #bushcraft #outdoors #craftmanship #blacksmith
All axes undergo several quality control checks before leaving the factory to be absolutely sure that the piece is free from flaws. When the axe passes our quality control, we add a sheath of vegetable-tanned leather to protect the edge and pack it together with the Axe Book. All Gränsfors Bruk’s axes also carry a…